Thursday 6 June 2013

Head Hunting Methodology in Pakistan

To Head Hunting for jobs in Pakistan and abroad, e square services  adopts the following search methodology (
What we do
We create a talent pool of candidates for organization.
Create the links between employers and the job seekers.
Determines the present and future requirements of our clients.

Noting The Requirements
For jobs in Pakistan and abroad, e square services interacts directly with decision-makers of multinational companies, international organizations, private sector companies, NGO's, and educational institutions to fill job openings. Decision-makers are first queried on their hiring needs. e square services focuses on noting the requirements carefully.
Once e square services determines a match between the organization's needs and the individual's qualifications, e square services arranges an interview. For specialized jobs, e square services accosts the services of one of its industry-specific advisors to corroborate whether there is a true match.
Fast Search Time
The e square services candidate-search methodology is unique.  It does not rely on electronic databases that are replete with CVs of struggling professionals.  Instead, e square services relies on its 215 industry-specific advisors, to search for compatible candidates.  e square services advisors were enrolled through a painstaking selection process spanning a period of a few years. Each e square services advisor meets two important criterions related to his or her work experience and personal psychology.
1. Work Experience of Advisors: Typically, each e square services advisor has work experience in a multinational company or an international organization of 5 to 15 years. Thus they have a good understanding of requirements for the positions, and a respect for the time of the decision-makers.
2. Personal Psychology of Advisors: More importantly, each e square services advisor is either a "super-connector" or a "private-information repository" in his or her area of specialization.  A "super-connector" is an individual who is connected to, or knows, an inordinately large number of people -- simply because of his or her natural personality or developed people-skills.  Similarly, people with a "private-information repository" mindset naturally collect random facts and figures - such as people's names and places of work, as opposed to other people who focus on gleaning "public information" for example, news from the media.   Thus, e square services advisors with "super-connector" or "private-information repository" personal traits put their personal networks and information to use for quickly identifying the right candidates.   
On the average, the selected candidate for each position is identified in 5 to 14 days.
Minimum Candidates Presented Per Position
While there are many organizations coveting professionals, and many individuals seeking jobs, faithful matches between demand and supply of qualifications are not as abundant.  Thus e square services does not furnish a plethora of CVs for appraisal. On the other hand, e square services focuses on minimizing time of decision-makers by presenting only a handful of CVs for selection.
On the average, 3 to 8 candidates are presented for each hiring.
All Sectors and Positions
Utilizing its 215 advisors in diverse sectors, e square services undertakes candidate-search assignments for positions in all sectors and at all levels.
Not For All Organizations
Even though we search candidates for all sectors and positions, e square services services are useful only to those organizations that wish to engage professionals of the highest quality.  Thus, typically e square services works only with multinational companies and international organizations as well as reputed private companies, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions.
All Locations
Even though most e square services placements have taken place for jobs in Islamabad , Lahore , andKarachi; e square services undertakes candidate-search assignments for premier organizations inPakistan and abroad regardless of location.